Friday, March 6, 2009

I walked in the room.....

Last night Ryan seemed a little stressed. Work is crazy for him right now and his days have been long and trying. He told me that he needed to get some things done after we put James down for the night, computer work and such. I understood and got myself ready for a night of doing my own stuff so Ryan could be productive.

James went to bed and had been silent for about 15 minutes. I assumed he was asleep but then I heard some little peeps and tiny cries. Lately I've been letting this go as long as possible to teach the boy to put himself back to sleep so I did nothing. After about 5 minutes of harder crying Ryan walked up to me and said "Do you mind if I go up?" I didn't.

Fastforward 45 minutes. James and Ryan had been silent upstairs for some time. I figured Ryan had got James back to sleep and was trying to put him down but it was taking a lot longer than normal. I went up. I walked into the room and this is what I saw:

He had things to do, work that needed to be done but instead he chose this. Ryan is a good Daddy.


  1. He is SUCH a wonderful godly Daddy. Thank you, Lord, for gifting our family with this man.

  2. wow. this is really sweet. he IS a good daddy. and also james looks so big!

  3. This is one of the most adorable pictures I've ever seen!!! I love Daddy/baby pics.

  4. I love it...Ryan doesn't look stressed there at all. ;)
