Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Developments

James is now 5 months old and a lot is going on in his little life.

1) He is basically crawling...well almost. He can get up on all fours but when it comes to moving his arms and legs forward he hasn't quite figured it out. Instead, if he sees something he wants that is out of reach he will get on all fours and launch himself forward, head first. Then repeat until the desired object is within striking distance. For the most part this is ok since our whole house is carpeted but it can get a bit dicey when he is next to a table or a bookshelf......

2).....which leads me to #2. He got his first war wound yesterday (picture to come) when he "crawled" over to the bookshelf and launched himself (or his chin) right into the bottom shelf. Thankfully I was there when it happened but I didn't so much see it happen as hear a loud thud and then an instant cry. This is how I learned that he can "crawl" faster than I thought he could. It was absolutely heart breaking but he was fine after a few short sobs, my poor little bubba.

3) James has discovered himself....if you know what I mean. At bath time a few weeks ago he found his boy parts and has not stopped grabbing for them since. He grabs for them during diaper changes, bath time, and any other time that he happens to get nekked! Ryan is a little unsure of this behavior, specifically because James has a tight grip, but I have been told that he cannot do any harm to himself at this stage.....however I guarantee we will still ask the pediatrician at his 6 month appointment.

4) He sleeps at night, praise the LORD! Although James isn't a big fan of napping during the day (unless he is in Mommy's arms of course) he has been sleeping through the night with one snack break at about 4:30 or 5:30 depending on his mood.

5) Today James noticed himself in the full length mirror in our bedroom and proceeded to "crawl" over to it where he spent a good amount of time licking the baby on the other side of the glass.....he doesn't know that it is him yet.

6) James loves to eat paper...uncle Nathan he is related to you after all.

I am sure there are lots of other things to report but alas it is time for us to head out to Trader Joe's, which is very important since our fridge is completely empty. (Yep Kalle, I am just now going to the store and somehow we've survived since Monday, can you believe it?!)

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