Friday, June 26, 2009

Sick Boy

Things I like about James being sick:

1) Lots of cuddles

2) He wants his mama all the time...lately he's been more of an independent little guy but when he's not feeling well it's all mama, all the time.

3) Kisses out of nowhere and unprompted hugs that last for minutes on end.

4) James' sick sounds funny but when he's sick he has this pitiful little puffy faced look about him that makes my heart melt, poor baby.

Things I don't like about James being sick:

1) That James is sick. I hate knowing that he doesn't feel well and that there's nothing I can really do to take away the pain. I finally understand what she meant when my Mom used to tell me that she wished she could be sick instead of me when I was little.

2) His random crying fits that last for 20 minutes and have no discernible cure.

3) No sleep! Getting up every two hours at night with a crying boy who can't be soothed.

4) Fevers! I hate it when James has a fever. Fever's scare me and make my little boy act like a zombie, I hate them.

So we've been battling what turned out to be a throat infection (not strep, thank goodness, just a sore throat) and a fever for the past few days but it looks like James is finally on the mend. After two bad nights of sleep and two hard feverish days James is sleeping through the night again and appears to be back to his normal self. I'm looking forward to a nice weekend with a happy boy.

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