Sunday, April 26, 2009

A few reasons....

...why I love our church. In no particular order.

1) Child Care: No matter who is working in the nursery, they always remember James and a few of them get really excited when they see that he's coming in. I love that these ladies love our son.

2) Relationships: Ryan and I have made some of the deepest friendships of our lives with people who love and serve Jesus at this church.

3) Community: Unless we are called to move somewhere else, our children will grow up with a community of loving, Godly people who have the same values that we do and are raising their children as such.

4) Teaching: The teaching is Jesus centered and does not stray from scripture. Our pastors preach and teach the truth of the bible so that we can all grow closer to Jesus and glorify God.

5) JESUS: Our pastors aren't afraid of talking about sin, Satan and hell. We are confronted on a weekly basis with the fact that we are all sinners and none of us are worthy of entering the kingdom of God. We are taught, as the bible very clearly states, that the ONLY way to heaven is through belief in Jesus Christ and that there is a real hell for those who don't.

That's all, we just got back from church and I am just so thankful for Jesus right now and what he did for me, that he saved me from my self and from hell, that I had to share.

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