Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two years ago today.

Two years ago today I woke up early in the morning with butterflies in my stomach and the knowledge that by the end of the day I would be Mrs. Ryan Singletary. Although two years doesn't sound like a lot I am struck by how much we have grown up and how our life together has changed since that day.

Since that beautiful day we have become parents to the most amazing little creature, we've bought a house, found an incredible community of friends/family at our church, grown stronger in our faith individually and as a couple and continued to learn about each others hearts.

Thank you Ryan for sticking with me all these years (we've been together almost 8 years) and for asking me to be your wife. It is truly an honor to stand beside you in this life.

I love you today!


P.S. Thanks for putting the dishes away this morning, you made my day!

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