Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Poopy Sunday

Here is the story of the poop on the couch.

I was upstairs folding laundry, minding my own business, when I heard Ryan call out: "Sweetie!? Can you come down here?". The tone in his voice told me that something wasn't quite right but since he wasn't screaming I figured everyone probably still had their limbs intact.

I rushed downstairs where I found Ryan sitting awkwardly (because there was poop running down his jeans) on the floor changing James' diaper and the couch literally sprayed with poop. Perhaps Ryan should weigh in on this to tell his side of the story but what I am told happened is this.

Our son, who has amazing pooping abilities, was laying on his daddy's lap when out of nowhere poop shot out the side of his diaper, down Ryan's lap and finally, onto the couch......which is white (doh!). Ryan grabbed whatever he could find to control the situation, which happened to be a burp cloth, and carefully moved to the floor to clean up the boy.

Since Ryan's jeans were also covered in poop and threatening to poopify our carpet I asked him to take them off to be washed, making the scene that much more hilarious. Here I am, elbow deep in poopy couch and carpet cleaner (it was all I could find) while Ryan is half dressed cleaning the little man.

The moral of the story is of course to never own a white couch, especially if you have kids.

1 comment:

  1. It didn't so much spray out as "roll" onto my leg and quickly onto the couch. Of course I was sitting dead-center on the couch so it basted both cushions. Way to maximize, James...that's my boy!
