Thursday, November 6, 2008

James 2, Mommy 0

Day one of trying to let James cry himself to sleep at nap time = James - 2 & Mommy - 0. I put a time limit of 25 minutes on the crying each time and so far he's winning.

It is now 3:35pm and James has had two twenty minute naps today and both were in the car (normally he sleeps for a total of about three hours a day) help! I have foregone work for the day (except for a meeting this morning) and instead am sitting on the floor with a very tired seven month old who can't understand why I keep leaving him in his crib alone in the dark.

He needs to sleep and let's be honest, I need him to sleep so any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


  1. What does he normally do at nap time? When you say "cry it out" do you mean that you don't go in at all?

  2. Have you tried wearing him for his naps? Will he sleep on Mommy, like in your wrap (faced in)?

  3. Ann,

    Normally at nap time he nurses to sleep and I put him in bed but lately this tactic hasn't been working, he'll eat for a bit and then squirm and try to play. I did go in a couple times to rub his back and let him know that I hadn't left him forever.


    I wish he would sleep on me but he's not much of a cuddler these days so that's out too.

    Thanks for the concern ladies, I love you both!

  4. Hi Annie - considering that I have a 4 month old who doesn't sleep so well himself, I don't have any hard and fast recommendations. I can, however, recommend these articles. Hope they provide some inspiration!

    How to Get Your Baby to Nap
    5 Common Sleep Problems and Solutions
