We have been crazy busy (mostly for good reasons) lately which means I have not had any time to post pictures or blog at all, sorry folks. So here are some pictures and a couple videos of what we've been up to.
I posted a week or so ago about Joshua Harris' mom who was dying of cancer. I've followed his blog for some time now and have really loved his writing so in a strange way I feel connected to him and his family. I've prayed for his mom when he asked for prayer and smiled when I read of her faith in Jesus.
All that to be said, on July 4th is seems that the Lord finally put an end to Sono Harris' life here on earth and brought her home. Here's the post on Joshua Harris' blog with a beautiful picture of his mom included.
I was both sad and happy when I read this post and reminded of my Dad's death more than six years ago and a song that always brings me back to that time.
The song is called "Come to Jesus" and the version that I love is sung by Chris Rice. This song is basically about the life a Christian from beginning to end. The last bit of the song is just the words "Fly to Jesus" sung over and over and is speaking of the physical death of a believer. This song was played at the Easter church service I attended the week my dad passed and was such a gift from the Lord for me at that time.
So, Sono Harris has flown to Jesus and although I am brokenhearted for her family I am tearfully overjoyed for her.
Here's the song if you want something really beautiful to listen to: